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Video-Sequenzen zum Fall Roswell

Chronologischer Ablauf des Roswell-Zwischenfalls

Der Fall Roswell hat wahrscheinlich unter den Ufologen die größte Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen. Nachdem es um den Fall jahrzehnte lang still gewesen ist, kamen seit einem guten Jahrzehnt immer wieder Theorien auf und wurden Bericht und Mutmaßungen veröffentlicht.

Bei jenem Fall handelt es sich um einen Ufo-Absturz, der sich am Freitag den 4. Juli 1947 nahe der in New Mexico gelegenen Stadt Roswell.

Video-Sequenzen des Roswell-Zwischenfalls...

Nr. Title Description Length
1 Roswell Secrets Unveiled: The Roswell Incident The events that come to be known as the "Roswell Incident" begin in the early summer of 1947, leading to government cover-ups and repeated alien sightings. What really did happen at Roswell? ... 5 min 29 secs
2 The Day After Roswell: The Corso Controversy Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso is given an astounding directive from the Pentagon: examine alien technology from the Roswell alien spaceship crash of 1947. Corso claims that he is responsib ... 5 min 11 secs
3 The Day After Roswell: Alien Technology Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso claims the government harvested the technology found in the wreckage of the 1947 crash at Roswell, New Mexico and that he personally brought it to military la ... 5 min 13 secs
4 Roswell Final Declassification: Space Biology The History Channel goes into the National Archives to take a closer look at recently declassified government documents that could expose what the government was trying to cover up surroundi ... 5 min
5 Roswell Secrets Unveiled: Alien Autopsy The star witness for conspiracy theorists is Glenn Dennis, a mortician at Ballard Funeral Home back in 1947 when the Roswell Incident occurred. His strange experience at the hospital at Walk ... 4 min 45 secs

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